Friday, January 05, 2007

2007 is going to ROCK

I have been mulling over my new year's resolution list for a while now and I am pretty certain that I am just going to keep adding to it as the year goes on. I've never been one to make resolutions, partly because I used to think I have a commitment phobia, and partly because I USED to have a tendency to procrastinate. These two are not usually a recipe for success. I started making my list for this year though because I can tell that I am in the process of shedding those old beliefs about myself. Who says I am a commitment phobic? Me. I am the one that puts the limitations on me. In my own mind, I have convinced myself that I will always settle on mediocre (on expectations of myself) because I just can't help it. That is who I am. Wait a minute! That's not who I am! I am a strong, focused individual...THAT'S who I am. Psalm 139:14, "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works and my soul knows it very well." That is where my confidence comes from. Throughout my life, my faith has always been in my God...yet my faith in myself has wavered. God has shown me over the past year that I can not have faith in Him, and NOT have faith in myself. He created me, beautifully...fearfully, and exactly right. Yes, I will stumble, and I will stumble often...but for every time I fall that is one more time God will pick me up. That is life.

2006 was a growing year, actually it was more like a stretching year. It was my first year of marriage, my first year as a step mom, my first year as a homeowner. I got back in school with a different plan in mind, I trained for and completed my first Sprint triathlon, I spoke to relatives I've been out of touch with for years, I entered the last year of my 20's, I gained more weight than I am comfortable with, I made some new amazing friends, I slept under the stars in 3 different states, I laughed, I cried, I loved, I lost. I grew. I came to appreciate my life in a whole new way and I am excited for what 2007 holds.

In 2007 I will turn 30. I am not one bit sad to leave my twenties behind. I love getting older, I love maturing in to who I am supposed to be. I celebrate each year of my life, I am blessed to have lived this long. In 2007 we plan to start a family, my focus is changing from seeing my body only as my own to getting my body ready to support another life. So, here are my resolutions for 2007, they are not set in stone, they are going to change and move around in priority, be taken away from and I know they will be added to.

-Smile more, and mean it
-Drink more water
-Go snorkeling in Hawaii
-Take Connor camping more
-Appreciate my job
-Find a church home that Curt and I both love
-Keep my closet free of clutter
-Cook more
-Get in touch with my dad
-Spend more time with my nieces and nephews
-Be consistent
-Dance more with my husband
-Complete an Olympic distance triathlon
-Get up earlier so that I can begin my day with prayer
-Sleep more
-Learn to enjoy things in MODERATION
-Make an A in Managerial Accounting
-Transfer to the university I will graduate from
-Spend more time with my twin brother
-Let my sister in law know how much she is appreciated
-Call my grandparents once a week
-Learn that I don't have to speak every thing that comes to my mind with my family
-Communicate better with Curt on a deeper level
-Eliminate the superificial things from my life
-Each more veggies
-Learn to play more than 6 notes on my guitar
-Spend more time outdoors
-Get over my fear of snow skiing and enjoy our vacation in March
-Eliminate jealousy
-Realize jealousy comes from self confidence
-Love myself unconditionally
-Wear more sunscreen
-Go to more concerts
-See Phantom of the Opera again
-Worship God not only in Church, but in my day to day actions
-Hand over the steering wheel in my life and become the passenger
-Paint more
-Laugh...LOUD and often
-Take more pictures
-Play with my dogs more
-Clean out of garage
-Appreciate my girlfriends, and let them know often how much I do.
-Write more
-Be less critical of myself and others
-Slow down and be still
-Start my study bible from the beginning
-Go to the movies more with Curt
-Spend more time with my girlfriends
-Be kinder than necessary
-Improve my relationship with my in-laws
-Start taking prenatal vitamins
-Try to conceive
-Kick the caffeine habit (I am well on my way on this one-4 weeks!!)
-Listen to my body during exercise
-Wash my face every night
-Floss more
-Paint my fingernails more
-Kick a 30 yard field goal (I am up to 20!)
-Start playing indoor soccer again
-Control my temper in sports
-Take a belly dancing class
-Work on my bible verse memorization
-Bike more, gain more confidence on hills
-Lose some weight
-File our bills twice a month
-Pay off my credit card
-Live in the moment, soak it up!
-Give thanks for my life
-Spend more time on my appearance, don't just roll out of bed and go to work.
-Develop more patience
-Do more yoga
-Stop searching for self improvement quick fixes
-Be persistent
-Dance more
-Get back in to a gym and start doing gymnastics again
-Compliment someone every day
-Karaoke more
-Love and live passionately and with purpose.

Here's to a great year!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!!

May 2007 bring each of you abundant happiness, and may all of your dreams become reality. :)