Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fitting in

This past weekend, a few people that I graduated from High School with decided to get together and have dinner since we had not seen each other in almost 12 years. None of attended our 10 year reunion so we thought that this would be a lot of fun. I was not nervous at all, high school was not stressful for me. I don't look back on it and have any anxiety or regrets, to be completely honest, I don't think about it at all. I was very busy, involved in every sport or extra curricular activity I could find...but that is not surprising, that is how I am still. Idle time is my personal demon, I am no good with it. I need to stay busy. We all got to talking about our lives growing up, people were recalling memories of all of the crazy things they did as teenagers and I just sat there and had no input, I could not relate at all. Several of the girls commented on what a "good" girl I was, and they all wanted to know why I never went out with them to the parties on the weekend, etc. I am not one to beat around the bush so I told them exactly why...I just didn't fit in. I was a cheerleader, but didn't fit the mold of a girly girl so I didn't fit in there. I was a jock, but was a little too girly to fit in there. I was all of these things, but never really quite fit in. My life is still that way...I am just a little bit different than most people. You know what though, I accept it. I love who I am. I don't consider it a flaw...although some people do. I still struggle with fitting in, I don't fit in with most of the ladies at work because I refuse to gossip. I don't have a membership to the mommy club yet so I don't fit in with the neighborhood gals...etc. You get the picture. I realize that I totally digressed from Saturday night. I did walk away from that meeting elated that I have finally accepted who I am. I am unique, I am quirky...but that is how my Maker made me. He made me a chameleon, I can comfortably hang out with just about every group I run across. I can relate to people who don't quite fit in, and if I can relate, I can communicate with them, and if I can communicate with them I can let them know how much God loves them. THAT is where I fit in. To be honest, there is really no where else I'd rather be. :)

Thought for the day: "God knows our situation; He will not judge us as if we had no difficulties to overcome. What matters is the sincerity and perseverance of our will to
overcome them." C.S. Lewis

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mud Run Pictures

Here are the pictures from the 10K Mud Run that we did last week! FUN!

My husband climbing over the 20ft ladder.

I got dunked!!

Here I am concentrating, trying to keep my balance on the logs.

Our Group!

We got to slide down and hill into a huge mud pit! FUN!!!!