Friday, December 29, 2006

The Christmas Pets

Meet Dude, he was our houseguest for the weekend.

Dude chillin' in the sun.

Our puppies, Roxy and Gus.

OK, which way was I going?

I just don't know if I am coming or going these days, the holidays are always insanely busy for Curt and I. His family lives around here which is great except for there are 50 of them. Every time we see them they have multiplied. I think they are Gremlins. We survived Christmas, woke up on Christmas morning with just the 3 of us. Curt's son, Connor, was here for a week and we had a blast. We opened gifts and played board games all morning. It was a great time. My mom flew in a couple of days ago and spent some time with us, which is always nice, although the time I do get to spend with her never seems like enough. She is cooler than the other side of the pillow and always such a joy to be around. My husband is always saying that he won in the Mother in Law department. I don't ever agree with him because I value my marriage. :)

Tonight we are driving 3 hours 1 way to go to his best friends surprise party, driving home tonight and then tomorrow we leave to visit my grandparents 3 hours in the other direction. I am almost ready to start back to work and school to get a tiny break and to establish my routine again. I signed up for my first Olympic Distance tri, it is this summer at Joe Pool Lake, which is the lake that I live 2 miles from. I am ready to get in to full training mode. I really need a new bike though, my mountain bike is not going to cut it...but between skiing in April and Hawaii in May, I am not quite sure how I will fund a new bike. Oh well, it's not something I plan on worrying about today.

Here are a few pictures from Christmas. I hope every one is having a wonderful Holiday Season!

Thought for the day: “We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is awaiting us.”

Our Family Card

Curt riding his Christmas present, a unicycle. Yes, I married a circus clown.

Curt and Connor playing with Connor's new telescope

Thursday, December 14, 2006

One for me, one for my homies

I had my annual girls Christmas dinner last night, we had such a blast. I am so so so so so so blessed to have this many women I can trust and that I can count on. I love them!!

My gifts for my girls

Table set for dinner

Me and my girls

B and L acting out "Party Animal"

L Drawing

Me, L and K

C sculpting a dauschand!

K and I celebrating our victory

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I DID IT!!!!!! I aced my final last night in Macroeconomics and have an A for the semester. My Financial Accouting final is tomorrow...this one will be a little more difficult! One more test and I am off for a month, YEAH!!!!!

Thought for the day: "If it ain't broke, fix it. Take fast. Make it faster. Take smart. Make it brilliant. Take good. Make it great."

Friday, December 01, 2006

Cute story

My sister's kids were at my mom's house and she was asking what they are thankful for.

Mom: So, tell me what you are most thankful for today:

Jordan: I am thankful for my mom and dad and for my brothers and Emily
Emily: I am thankful for God
Bradley: I am thankful for mom and dad and helicopters
Braden: I am thankful for Christmas

Mom: Braden, do you know what Christmas is about?
Braden: It's about presents and lights and Santa
Mom: Most importantly, Braden, it's Jesus' birthday
Braden: (Raises hands in air and shouts) Well THANK YOU JESUS. I get presents on your birthday, so this year I'll give you presents on my birthday. (Thinks for a minute) Well Jesus, I will give you one of my presents, but probably not all of them. Maybe Santa will bring you a lot of presents since it is your BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS.

Too cute.