Tuesday, December 06, 2005

a few of my favorite things

puppies, the smell of laundry detergent, the crisp air in my lungs this morning, wearing my wedding ring again (finally), being in love, my family, my memories of my childhood, painting, HGTV, dancing in my kitchen with my husband, pictures of loved ones, GOD, brilliant fall colors that bring out my creative side, decorating for Christmas, my symphony dates with my husband, seeing friends, silences that are not awkward, a delicious glass of wine, any book by Dean Koontz, wrapping Christmas presents with the anticipation of them being ripped open, ballet, being saved by Jesus Christ, reuniting with an old friend, babies, warm bubble baths, Sarah McLachlan CD's, learning, competion in sports, being healthy, painting my toenails bright red, reading and writing poetry, seeing my twin brother in love, my sister-in-law, diet coke, watching Connor grow up, memories of my grandparents, the smell of freshly cut roses, taking risks, falling asleep next to Curt, working out so hard that I am drenched in sweat and delightfully invigorated, chocolate ice cream, owning my first home, dreaming of the future, the many good friends that I have made these past few years, naming my future children, laying in a hammock on the North Shore of Oahu, being blessed beyond my wildest imagination, the book I Love You Forever, talking to my mom on the phone, going to concerts, sore muscles (because it means they've been used), singing, discovering the Bible, my nieces and nephews, road trips with friends, poker, watching a live production of Phantom of the Opera, happy endings, a pair of blue jeans that fit perfectly, swimming, attempting to play my guitar so I can pretend I am a rock star, my sweet and loyal dogs, love songs, pillow talk, helping people, a good cup of coffee, my red and white leather jacket from Curt, living in a free country, being able to pay all of my bills on time, my brand new kitchen, alone time, going to the movies, finally feeling comfortable in my own skin, being challenged, holding hands, being loved, seeing God's hand on my life, a cold glass of water, white water rafting, prayer, my life.


At 3:11 PM, Blogger Krit said...

All good things.

What names do you have in store for your lil' ones?

I love Paul so much but the initials wouldn't be right. So maybe I would go with Luke or Vann.

For a girl I like Mikena, Avery, and Ava. Ahhh to have a girl :)

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

We have it down to the middle names and everything. Gotta be prepared right? A girl would be Jones Rea (I know Jones is a last name, but we wanted something unique...plus Curt wants to call her Jonesy) and Carter Alan for a boy. Twins? AAH, haven't named them yet. I also like Ava for a girl and Wilson for a boy.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Krit said...

Great names! I love last names for first names and the whole Jonesy nickname is sooo cute!


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