Thursday, October 27, 2005

Copy Cat!

I read JT's blog and saw a similar posting and decided to "borrow" the idea and list 10 things that you might not know (or care) about me. Here goes...

1) I grew up in Monahans, TX...a small town of about 8,000 people is the desert of Texas (west of Odessa). Lived there 18 years until I moved to Abilene. Lived there 4 years and then moved to the big city.

2) I played basketball in college at McMurry University for 2 years. I was recruited out of high school and I loved every moment of it. I actually was a starter my sophomore year!! I met 5 girls that I played ball with that I still keep in touch with and love! I had to stop playing for several reasons, the first being that I was diagnosed with Viral Encephalitis, a condition where a there is a viral infection in your brain causing it to swell. I was in a out of the hospital and it was determined that I had to stop playing sports because any blow to the head could potentially be deadly. Reason #2..I dropped out of school for financial reasons and that is when I started into the working world. I used to be quite bitter about that, but now I see the glory in it. I would not have met my sweet husband, and my brother would not have met his sweet wife, had I not followed that path. All's well that ends well.

3) I was an All-American Cheerleader 2 years in a row. DON'T LAUGH. I had to try out at camp, around 350 girls tried out and 13 made it each year. I hated the stererotypical cheerleader girl in high school, but LOVED cheerleading. Go figure.

4) I hit a cow. HUH? Yes, I hit a cow with my car. It was late at night, I was late getting lights on the small country road I lived on, I slow down when I see a pair of eyes in the middle of the road (WHO LET THOSE EYES OUT???), but it was too late. I smacked that poor cow and killed it. Totalled my car. Didn't have my seat belt on and was going around 65 on impact. My guardian angels were working over time that night...I was shaken up but didn't have a scratch on me.

5) I burned down my college dorm room. I was out one night with a group of friends, got home (my roommate was out of town), lit a candle and placed it on the speaker. Since my bed had books and clothes all over it, I decided to sleep in her bed and placed the candle on the speaker on her side. 6am the next morning, we decide to go to the lake. I roll out of bed and leave. When we get back later that day there are firetrucks at the dorm...I remember thinking, "OOOH, sucks to be that person. Well, as it turns out, it sucked to be me. The candle was still lit when I left, it caught the speaker on fire and then the bed. Once again, angels were working overtime...nothing on my side was damaged. NOTHING. Had to do some community service, was asked to kindly NOT COME BACK to the dorm, and the rest is history.

6) I grew up with convicts. Again...HUH??? We actually lived in a small town outside of Monahans, named Pyote. My dad was the superintendent of the West Texas State School there. This is a campus for juvenille deliquent boys (ages 13-18) that had committed some crime, but were too young to go to jail. Since my dad was the big boss, he needed to live in the housing on campus, so that is where we grew up. I spent most of my nights and weekends playing basketball with the boys that were locked up (under supervision of course). That is why playing basketball against girls bores me to tears.

7) I have a lisp that I have worked really hard to overcome. It is really obvious when I have to read out loud for some reason, but for the most part people don't seem to notice. The hubby notices it and thinks it's "adorable".

8) I've been an insomniac for as long as I can remember. Once I go to sleep I am ok, but it is the falling asleep that is has always been my nemesis. I have tried every sleeping pill out there, I try to read, I've taken a warm bath before bed, I've watched TV, NOTHING WORKS. Cool thing is, I haven't had trouble ONE NIGHT sine getting married. It's super.

9) I was minutes away from being named Wynona. Wynona Williams. Poor Ryan was going to be named Waylan. My older sister is Whitney, and my older brother's real name is Wesley (he goes by John now) my dad wanted us to be Whitney, Wesley, Wynona and Waylan Williams. Thank GOD for my strong mother putting her foot down. I still got made fun of for being named Reagan, but I have a feeling that Wynona would have been much worse.

10) Since turning 18, I have had 11 piercings. Only a few are nose, and my ears (5 between both ears). Are you dying to know what else?? Too bad. :)

There you go! Now you have ammunition to make fun of me.


At 5:08 PM, Blogger Krit said...

Awesome post! I'm still taking it all in. Wanted to comment more but I don't know where to start. You are one interesting gal- seems like there's alot of you to know :) I love it.

What stands out the most- you being able to sleep now that you're married. I LOVE THAT. Burning down a dorm comes in a close 2nd- Rah Rah Rah, goooo Pixie.


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