Monday, November 07, 2005

So behind!

I am a week behind on my blog...but then I realize that my life is not exciting enough to post every day! :) Really, I haven't been posting because it turns out that I did break both of my fingers and typing is certainly more challenging. I think they are getting better, but I've decided that my pain meter must be broken since I walked around for 2 weeks with them broken and they didn't hurt TOO bad. I'm not just talking fractured, my middle finger is missing a piece of bone out of it. Where is it? I have no clue!!!! Looks like I'll have another crooked finger. My ring finger is fractured, but it is looking better by the day. Only 3 more weeks in this splint and I think I might be good! Just in time to play in our Winter league for is good.


At 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:09 AM, Blogger Krit said...

You are SO tough. I can't imagine going through that. I suppose the timing isn't ideal but at least it happened after the Wedding right? Hey, does this mean you don't have to wrap gifts?


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