Sunday, November 27, 2005

Making Memories

WOW! What a great first Thanksgiving together. We had such a good time, I was so sad to see it end. My mom flew in on Tuesday night, and we were able to spend some good quality time together. I am amazed by my mother. She is the most low-maintenance person I know. She NEVER nags or makes comments on my life, she just always supports me and tells me how proud she is. My hubby LOVES her and the feeling is certainly mutual. It was so nice to have her with us. We woke up early Thursday and started cooking. It was not stressful, there was no pressure at all. We prepared enough food for a small army, and ended up having so many leftovers. My brother and sister in law came over and we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company. Connor was with us the whole week too, it was so nice. Thursday night we went to Curt's grandfather's house and hung out with his family. That was very enjoyable as well. Friday we were so lazy all day...we just laid around and then finally got up and started our Christmas decorations. We put up the tree and listened to Christmas music, it was certainly a memory that I will carry with me always. Me, Curt, Connor and my mom had such a good time. We went to eat at Chili's and then we went to the Prairie Lights display at Lynn Creek Park. It was so enjoyable. We got back home and finished the tree and just sat around and talked. Connor loves my mom and she loves him too. It is so special to see the bond they have, considering they have only known eachother for a couple of years. We were so sad to see them go on Saturday, it left a hole in our hearts. It made me realize how precious our time is together. It definitely leaves me longing for more. Can't wait for Christmas, my whole family will be here then!!


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