Monday, November 28, 2005


Man, I have a heavy heart today. I was bothered all night with terrible dreams. My dreams are always so vivid, I mean VIVID. Colors, lights, noises,'s all there. Since I was a teenager, I have had spiritual dreams periodically. Spiritual as in angels/demons fighting in my dreams. It is like I given a glimpse of what goes on daily for the souls of mankind. I have learned to live with them, to interpret them even, but last night's dream really threw me for a loop. My life seems to be in order. I am happily married to a wonderful man, I love my job, I have great friends, the list goes on and on. Yet I had THE dream. I can close my eyes and see it. I am running through a dark hallway. I hear noises all around me, but I can't figure out what they are. I finally see light...I run towards it. When I get to it, I drop to my knees. Angels, glorious angels with massive wings are every where. Yet, they are hurt. They are injured by demons that can't be seen. The demons that are my sins. I feel warmth running down my leg towards my feet. It is blood, yet I do not remember being hurt. I finally figure out that it is not my blood and it is flowing from a source ahead of me. I follow the trail of blood and finally see where it is coming from. In front of me is Christ on the cross, shedding His blood. I wake up. I have had this dream probably 15 times, maybe more. Every time in my life that I can remember having it, I have been in spiritual turmoil. You can imagine my confusion last night. I guess things aren't what they seem, maybe God is trying to tell me to that I need to refocus on my walk with Christ. I have been wondering off the path for some time now. I heard my favorite song this morning called Thirsty by Chris Rice and it inspired me to find the path again.

I’m so thirsty, I can feel it
Burning through the furthest corners of my soul
Deep desire, can’t describe this
Nameless urge that drives me somewhere
Though I don’t know where to go

Seems I’ve heard about a River from someone who’s been
And they tell me once you reach it, oh, you’ll never thirst again
So I have to find the River, somehow my life depends on the River
Holy River, I’m so thirsty

Other waters I’ve been drinkin’
But they always leave me empty like before
Satisfaction, all I’m askin’
Could I really feel this thirsty if there weren’t something more?

And I’ve heard about a River from someone who’s been
And they tell me once you reach it, oh, you’ll never thirst again
So I have to find the River, somehow my life depends on the River
Holy River, I’m so thirsty

I’m on the shore now of the wildest River
And I kneel and beg for mercy from the sky
But no one answers, I’ve gotta take my chances
‘Cause something deep inside me’s cryin’
"This is why you are alive!"
So I plunge into the River with all that I am
Praying this will be the River where I’ll never thirst again
I’m abandoned to the River
And now my life depends on the River
Holy River, I’m so thirsty


At 1:22 PM, Blogger Krit said...

I can only imagine how profoundly disturbing a dream like that would be, to have it over and over has to be very upsetting.

All I can say is there is Spiritual Warfare and yes our sins do cause pain but remember what that blood means- forgiveness.

Perhaps it is a glimpse of something God wants you to see. If the ending result is your increasing closeness with Christ, then I'm sure this dream is his will. I know there is nothing better than focusing on what's right and walking in the light, but that doesn't make it easy- in fact it is often painful.

Life is painful but the love you give and receive makes it what it is. We are his and in the end all our pain will vanish- there will be no tears in heaven. That is such a comforting thought to me. No tears.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Pixie said...

Thanks Krit, it is nice to know that you understand. I think God allows us glimpses like this for many reasons, and in my case I am certain that He wants me to refocus my life on Him. It's not easy being a Christian, faith is sometimes the hardest thing because we are holding on to what we can not see or touch. Luckily, God's promise for us out weighs any hardship that we have to face on earth. Nothing compares to the promise that we have in Christ, and while this life is amazing (and frustrating), it is only temporary. That is a nice thought. No Can't wait for that day. ;)


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