Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Here we go again...

Well, here I go again. Off to another Dr.'s appointment in Ft. Worth. I am so tired of this injury, it has really put a damper on how I do things. Last night I was in a mad dash to clean my house (my mom is flying in tonight) and I decided to take off my splint and see how my fingers feel. I started off slow...was very cautious about how much I was using them. They didn't feel too bad
so I threw caution to the wind and went all out. I picked up a glass with my left hand and this sharp pain shot through my middle finger. It hurt so bad I dropped the glass. UGH. I was positive after 4 WEEKS that it would feel better, but it doesn't. It isn't looking much better either. Still swollen, still bruised. So, I am off to see Dr. Smith. More X-Rays will be taken and I can only hope that no surgery is required. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will have to leave this eye sore of a splint on. I suppose that in the end, I can only blame myself. Playing football with the boys probably didn't speed up the healing process. :) I will be sure to leave that part out today. Wish me luck!!


At 7:45 AM, Blogger Krit said...

I'm never totally honest with the Dr because I never do anything they tell me 100%- NOT SURE WHY?

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Krit said...

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At 7:48 AM, Blogger Krit said...

Sorry, I was typing too fast and I posted my comment on accident.

Anyway, I hope you heal fast and know that you look really tough with that splint on so maybe that's cool?

Oh yeah, I know why I don't tell the Dr everything- because I hate to hear I told you so. Oh well.


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