Wednesday, November 09, 2005

2 weeks makes a difference!

Since my posting 2 weeks ago that was about losing those extra pounds, I've actually made some progress! I found this great DVD, Tae Bo Ultimate Upper and Lower Body. It is awesome!! I have been doing it 4 times a week, alternating the upper and lower body. It also has a bonus Ultimate Abs and Ultimate Buns section (about 8 minutes each) that I do daily. I can really tell a difference. The jiggling in my arms is starting to lose its momentum and my jeans are actually loose now! I won't lie and say that it has been fun, there are some days that I just want to sit on the couch when I get home and eat ice cream...but so far I am winning that battle. I've lost 7 pounds, most of it in the first week. I am sure my weight will plateau soon, but as long as the inches keep melting away, I am okay with that. I highly recommend this DVD, I found it on Amazon for $8.99.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Krit said...

That is AWESOME!!! You go. I've laxed but with my schedule being so varied- I'm totally drained when I get done all that needs to be done.

Maybe next week ;)


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