Thursday, October 27, 2005

Eager Mind, Tired Body

I don't own a scale to weigh myself for several reasons. 1) I am too cheap to buy one 2) I have never seen my weight as a big enough issue to justify buying one 3) I am scared of what it might say when I get on it. The only time I am weighed is when I go to the dr...and then I am always shocked that I am the overweight. By overweight, I don't mean that I am so big that I can't move...I just mean overweight for my frame. At 5'3" (On a good day), my ideal weight is between 115-125. Ok, so I am over that...and I have made up my mind that I have to do something about it. I love to work out, but I have been so bad at it...I guess in my brain I think that they extracurricular activities that I do (softball, kickball, occassional walk with dogs) is enough to shed those unwanted pounds. WRONG. I know my problem is my diet so that is something else I have to change. Yesterday I had a twix bar for breakfast, mac and cheese for lunch and chicken and linguine for dinner. Not terrible, but certainly not a diet that insinuates healthy living. SO, today I begin. I am going to dust off the Tae Bo DVD and suffer through 35 minutes of Billy Blanks telling me, "You feeling it? Only 3 more sets!!!" All the while, the man is barely sweating and his little gang of superfit sidekicks are giggling and bouncing around. Just pisses me off. My goal is to work out 4 times a week (3 days with weights cause it burns fat SO much faster). We'll see. I plan to drop 15 pounds by Christmas. YES, I do need to lose it...when I feel a roll in my stomach when I bend over...that is when I have to do something about it. :) We'll see how it goes...I hope that my laziness and procrastination do not triumph. Feet don't fail me now!!!!


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Krit said...

Becster and I are trying to be heathlier too- maybe we can all help each other out?

I haven't totally made a plan yet- yours sounds good.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Thanks girlies...I am really going to try. Luckily, it is easy to eat right because I go home for lunch so I can make something pretty good, and I am not big on fast food so that puts me a little bit a head of the curve. I just want to get rid of the arm jiggle (WHAT IS THAT????) and tone up my stomach...UGH...I hate sit ups. I figure I better get a hold on it now before I start thinking about babies. :)

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Krit said...

Getting healthier is good and I like you, want to work on target areas but why does it seem like we have to feel bad about ourselves in order to try and treat our bodies right?

Day #1- I failed. I ate bad food but it was oh so good. I will work out tonight though so hopefully I can undo the damage.

Okay, so this is what we need to think...

No matter what we do
No matter what they say
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay

And everywhere we go
The sun won't always shine
But tomorrow will find a way
All the other times

It sounds better when Christina is singing it.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Pixie said...

I know, I hate feeling bad about myself, but I honestly don't feel sexy when I cough and stuff jiggles. That is just not right. I try not to feel that way because Curt LOVES how curvy I am...but I don't want ALL of the curves. :) I love my body, just would love it more if there were less of it to love.

Day#1-SUCCESS so far. Breakfast-Oat Meal and a banana Lunch-Grilled chicken and tomato salad
Dinner--Don't know yet, but am hoping hubby doesn't want to do a pizza or something. I just had a snack attack, but drank a bottle of water to curb it. UGH, such a struggle.


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