Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I posted a comment last week about the kickball extravaganza...the fateful game where I deemed it necessary to DIVE into second base. This is where I jammed two fingers on my left hand. It has been 10 days now, the swelling has not gone down much and the pain is almost unbearable. I can't bend my middle finger, and now there is a knot on the side...that is never a good sign. I honestly think that I may have broken or dislocated 1 or both fingers. UGH. So, now I must make a I go to the doctor only to have him tell me that my fingers are just badly jammed...or do I live with the pain and risk damaging it further? Luckily I am covered on my husband's insurance, but now I have to possibly take a couple of hours from work (hard to do when it is only my 3rd week...). UGH. Stay tuned for more exciting details!!


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Krit said...

I say take some time off- you have evidence that something is wrong. You're boss will understand. You have to take care of yourself :)


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