Monday, October 17, 2005


WOW! What a weekend it was! We found out at the end of last week that my dad had a heart has been a rollercoaster since then. My twin brother and his wife flew down to Odessa on Friday to see him and take care of him. My dad had open heart surgery 10 years ago, and now his heart is in some danger. He only has 30% usage on it and I worry that he is too stubborn to stay on his medicine until it gets strong enough for the doctors to try and repair it. We have to wait 30 days and then re-evaluate the situation. The hardest part about this is that I have not talked to my dad in almost a year until Friday. There are so many emotions going on in my head, it is all so much to process. Only time will tell how it all plays out.

On a lighter note, we did have a really fun weekend with Connor. We took him to the Wax Museum Haunted House on Friday night! He was so brave, he LOVED it. He walked in front the whole time while I buried my head in Curt's back and screamed the whole time. Needless to say, I am not a fan of paying someone to scare me....but my boys enjoyed it, so I sucked it up! Saturday we took him to his baseball game in Frisco, he was 2 for 2! That little dude can HIT the ball, we were so proud. Then it was off to Six Flags for Fright Fest! I love having season passes, it is so worth the money! We only got to ride a few rides, but we had a good time. Yesterday we had to watch the Giants/Cowboys game, and I am sad to say that our Giants lost! :( Curt was so bummed out, there is nothing worse than losing to the COWGIRLS. UGH. After he recovered, it was off to our Co-Ed softball game last night. We won and are still undefeated! It was my first night at second base and I did pretty good, although I was SO nervous!!

Now it's Monday and another week begins...I need some rest from our weekend! We have to take Connor back tonight and that always bums us out so bad. I love that kid, I wish he never had to leave. 3 years of doing this, and I don't think I'll ever get used to him leaving. Oh well, that is why we just enjoy the time that we have and make the most of it. :)


At 7:21 AM, Blogger Krit said...

That is awful news about your father. It sounds like you're dealing with it well but I know it can't be easy. You'all have a complicated relationship it sounds like and with complicated relationsips comes complicated emotions. My father and I were very close and our relationship was very "simple" but I'm still working out my feelings on the new state of things. I have my crying spells here and there (like this weekend) and I'm still caught off guard on just how crazy it is when one extreme emotion can lead to another so quickly.

As far as the rest of your weekend- it sounds like you'all know how to enjoy yourselves. Who's Conner though? I don't remember hearing his name. He's a child right? Clearly a fun kiddo because it sounds like you really enjoy having him around. Is he your husband's son? My oldest brother lived with us (at my parents house years ago) when his daughter was going back and forth from her mother and my brother. We always hated goodbyes back then. But I have to say we were at least forced to focus on her more when we were with her because we knew she'd be goin' back- I suppose there was good in that fact (lots of great memories there).

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Yep, it is so hard to deal with the emotions that come along with my dad...our relationship has really suffered for a while now...I suppose we are both to blame. He is bipolar and refuses treatment, so his moods are irrational and exhausting. But, I have no right, as a Christian, to judge him in any way. I need to be obedient and just respect and love him as my father. I am working on it. I have my spells minute I am happy, the next I am breaking down. I am not much of a crying person, I never have this is hard to deal with.

Yes, Connor is my step-son. He is 9 going on 16. I just love that kid, he is a little mini-me of Curt. He really is a sweet kid, it is just a tough situation because he never wants to go home...and seeing him sad absolutely breaks my heart into pieces. It does offer me some insight as to how much our God loves us, though, and that is such a humbling lesson to learn.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Krit said...

That is so awesome that you and your step-son are close. I know it is hard but he's lucky to have a place to go to that he enjoys so much. You'all sound like a very happy family.

A mini-Curt huh? Yeah I wanted kids so that we could have mini-Mikes. When you love someone so much, it is such a blessing to have children around that are apart of them/like them. Next you'll have a mini-you (when the time is right). That's cool too. We have a mini-of each.

You and your Dad will work it out and you'll find peace with it. As a Christian you have a difficult balance but there are alot of other places of direction to go to other than just the judging stuff. My Dad told me about a parable regarding where to invest your efforts (it was talking about working the land/farming). Something along the lines of putting most of your time into the land that will grow your harvest well, less into the areas that are difficult to manage/will reap less, and even less so the land that isn't likely to have any return. That's what I try to do. Sounds like you do too. We don't get to pick our family. We can love them without being brought down by their drawbacks. Does that make sense?

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Yes, Krit, that makes perfect sense. That is a great rule to live by! I just find myself getting so wrapped up in earthly things and useless emotions (worry, anger, etc.) that I look up and find that I have some what suffocated my spirit. I long to live by the Spirit, for I know that is really the only way to a peaceful life. Sometimes I feel like Paul, in the book of Romans he talks about not wanting to do the things that he does...why can't he just do the right thing? It is a battle of the flesh and the spirit, a battle that is all too familiar when it comes to how I feel about my dad. What I SHOULD do is just pray for him, for his healing...but what I ACTUALLY do is obsess over why I can't have an earthly father that loves me like my Heavenly father does. UGH, I am my own worst enemy most of the time. :)

I saw pics of your kiddos on your family blog, they are PRECIOUS. You have such a beautiful family and I can tell that you and Mike are so in love. It's awesome! Yes, I want a mini-me too!! Well, not right this second, but certainly when the timing is right. I can't wait to start a family with Curt!

Thanks for the encouragement, you're super!

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Krit said...

Man, we're so much alike- maybe it is a twin thing. I talk a good talk but walkin' the walk- that's difficult.

Romans 3... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

I do love my husband very much, we've had our good times and some times that were not so much but I love him ALOT. Tomorrow we'll be married 8 years- I can't believe how long it has been.

Happy Days.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Krit said...

Thanks for the kind words about my boys- they are my everything. I NEVER get tired of hearing nice things about them.


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