Monday, January 23, 2006


You know, I love working out. I love being active and I love sweating. I can't help it, it is the way I am when my neighbor came over to my house and asked me if I wanted to go running with her, of course my answer was YES. I laced up my running shoes and prepared to JOG for maybe 1/2 mile. I explained to her that I haven't ran in a while and that we should not over do it. It is evident to me that she misunderstood. We live at the back of our neighborhood so I was thinking we would run up 3 or 4 blocks to the stop sign, make a turn and run back home. That would have been perfect. We get to the stop sign and I am thinking in my head that I could possibly pass out soon, but I was willing to suck it up because I assumed that we were heading for home. No. We weren't. She says, "How about we just take a right up here and run a while longer. " Ok, I can do this. Every step was hurting by then. My lungs were burning, my nose was running, my thighs were about to explode. I wanted to quit. I wanted to cry. BUT, I am so competitive that I HAD TO KEEP GOING. I couldn't admit defeat. 2 1/2 MILES later, we were back home. My face was the color of a stop sign and my legs were suddenly spaghetti. My sweet neighbor (who is just GLISTENING) smiles at me and says, "GREAT RUN!! Are you ready to go do abs?" In my head my answer was, "NOOOOOOOO, ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?????", but of course I could not say that. I some how get the word "sure" out and we head to her house to do workout session of abs, 25 minutes of pure torture.

So here I am 2 days later. I don't feel 28, I feel 78. Everything hurts and every second of the day is bringing me closer to 7:00 tonight when the crazy neighbor will be back at my house for another "great" run. I'm really scared.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger AJ Fabulous said...

So have to let us know how it goes! This is my first time at your blog...I saw you post on another blog I frequently read. I'm excited to expore your blog!

At 5:52 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Hey AJ! Thanks for commenting! I will come visit you. :)

At 1:47 PM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

I miss feeling that old from working out instead of from lack of sleep :)


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