Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year

WOW! What a week! I can't believe it is over...it was such a whirlwind of activities. On Friday we went to Lancaster to see Curt's side of the family...all 30 people! That is always such a good time...I will post the pictures when I get them. Saturday, Curt and I went to Lewisville to see my brother and sister in law and my mom...we ate WAY too much and then went to an AWESOME Candle light service. Sunday we got up and opened a few gifts from each other and then headed over to Curt's sisters' house for some time with their parents and kids. After we left there we headed to Arlington to see Curt's grandparents and other relatives. It was a blur of a day. We got home and Curt decided to go to a friends house and play Risk. I was looking forward to a night of chilling and watching TV, but instead I got a phone call from Curt's sister saying that she wanted her son to be able to see Connor before he had to go to Austin to see his dad...and that they would be at the house by 10 the next morning. Oh yeah, and the grandparents were coming by also...so I had less that 12 hours to clean the house from top to bottom and go to the store to find something to cook for 8 people. It turned out well though and Connor got to see Zack and every one had a great time. Later that day my sister in law brought my mom to the house and we spent the rest of the night just visiting. Tuesday we get up and take Connor to meet his cousin for a gift exchange, and then I decide to give Ashley a break...so I invited her boys to the house for the day to play with Connor. WHEW. 3 boys is a lot to deal with, but they were good. After she came by to get them, Mom and I rushed to the grocery store to stock up for the next wave of people coming in to town. We get home at 11:00, unload the groceries and pass out from exhaustion. We get up on Wednesday morning just in time for my older brother to get there. Later that day Curt's dad stopped by and brought Connor his gifts...they got to visit so that was really nice. Shortly after that my sister and her family got there and then my brother and his wife were there. That is when the fun began! We finally got a family picture!!!!!! It has been SOOO long. We ate dinner and played poker later that night...it was so much fun just to hang out and enjoy every one.

I think I found the culprit of my sickness though...all of that running around and no time to rest finally caught up to me. I am in the middle of it though, so I hope it runs its course by the end of this week. After all, this weekend is the great Fandango (another post for another time). No way can I be sick for that.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and may 2006 be your best year yet!


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Krit said...

Wow, that is alot to do. I guess we all run ourselves down but after it is all said and done- you at least have your memories (not that I remember a thing, w/so much going on). hee hee.

The pictures are AWESOME.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

I am a picture taking machine! I have albums full of them. That is the only way that I can get a good feel for the mood. I love the picture of our family all strangling each other...that is how it was by the end of the night. :) Well, JT, you were VERY SICK so don't be too hard on yourself. You have lots of great pics of your girls!


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