Wednesday, December 14, 2005

On the Verge

I am on the verge of really losing it here. Not just breaking down and crying, but completely losing it. Throwing things, screaming, kicking kind of losing it. You want to know the culprit?? NO SLEEP. NONE. I have slept a total of 14 hours in 4 nights. The average person needs 7 hours to be cool. That means I am 14 hours away from being cool. I'm not even close. I am so tired my eyelids are twitchy and I don't know what I am doing most of the day. So tired that when I went to get a Diet Coke out of the fridge this morning I grabbed Parmesan cheese that is now sitting in my car. WHY CAN'T I SLEEP? Well, there are a number of reasons lately. The main reason is my husband. Homeboy can't sleep. He tosses and turns and sighs heavily and yells at the dog and then wants to talk about why he can't sleep. You know what? I don't want to talk at 4 in the morning. I just don't. I don't have to. That is my right as a human to be silent and SLEEP at 4 in the morning. He's gone to the doctor for this sleeping problem and nothing has been solved. I was so excited last night to get some good rest. I was home early, I took a nice hot bath, got into comfortable pj's and climbed in to the glorious haven that is my bed. Then Curt gets home with Sophie and Ollie. They are his mom's dogs, as we are dog sitting until tomorrow. Small dogs? Yes. Sweet dogs? Yes. Tired dogs? No. We tried to put them in their crates to sleep and my jack @** dogs harassed them all night. So, Curt was up. "NO Roxy, don't mess with them. ROXY!!!!!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE." ALL NIGHT. I was so tired that when my alarm went off I cried. I CRIED. TEARS. I DON'T EVER CRY. That is twice in 2 days I have cried because I am so exhausted.

Something drastic has to happen here people. Tonight, I am sleeping in the guest room.


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Girl, I have tried every thing out there. Sleeping pills, natural supplements, a glass of wine...nothing really helps. It is just the fact that Curt is NEVER asleep and it makes my night so restless. I really am going to sleep in a different room tonight, as much as I hate it. I don't want to start doing that, but if it means that I will sleep good...then I am all for it. I've gotta do something. I am really on the verge of falling asleep while I am driving or something dangerous. It's just not healthy. So, if you see me just aimlessly wondering around crying you know the reason why. MAN! I wish that couch was still in the bathroom!!!!!! :)

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, parmesan cheese in your car? Definitely try the guest bedroom, that will give you a little reprieve. Does hubby have something he's stressing or worrying over? Could be his subconscious bubbling over!

blog hopping around :-)


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