Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Evolution of Re-La

Here is the moment of our engagement, captured forever in photographs (courtesy of my mother). We had traveled to see my sister, her family, and my mom. My twin brother and his wife were with us and my older brother also met us the whole family was there. I found out later that they all knew about it. We had just gotten in from an intense game of whiffle ball with the kids outside. You will have to excuse me being in my grungy clothes, I had no idea I would be proposed to later that day! Also, just look past the beer and cash on the tables. This is Texas and occassionally we do drink some beer and play Texas Hold Em!!

Picture#1...Curt had stood behind me and given this lovely speech. He is such a goofball any way that I thought nothing of it. I thought he was just trying to make us all laugh. He stood up in front on my family and told them how much he loves me and how much he appreciates me loving him despite is prosthetic leg (which is NOT true). It wasn't until the end of his speech that I realized what was going on...and that was only because he got on one knee. **Disclaimer** The cash on the table is for our poker game, I DID NOT accept monetary compensation for agreeing to marry him.

Picture#2...I was so overwhelmed with joy and shock that I started the VERY GIRLY and VERY uncharacteristic thing of waving my hands and crying. Yes, for a moment I was prissy and I loved it. :)

Picture #3...The opening of the box. This was the exact ring that I wanted, and it was absolutely beautiful. Keep in mind that I still haven't said an official YES. I was too excited to remember to answer.

Picture #4...The ring is finally on my finger. I feel like a princess and can't believe the overwhelming happiness that is in my heart and in this room. What a special moment for my whole family to share with me. (STILL haven't given him an answer)

Picture #5...Curt finally had to ask me again and I said "YES YES YESS!!!". I just cried when I hugged him (no comments on the wedgie..ha ha ha). It was such a great moment.

That is the evolution of Re-La, as I am now known. First 2 letters of my first name and first 2 letters of my brand new beautiful last name. All is right with the world.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

that is so sweet. :)

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

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At 7:00 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

No way JT!! I think pictures that are captured in the moment are awesome, and this one just happened to capture my wedgie! LOL, I suppose I should be more vain and only posted the good pictures but then I would have had to leave out the best one! :)

At 7:44 AM, Blogger AJ Fabulous said...

I love that story!!

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Krit said...

Love is in the air. I love to hear about love stories. Mine has a bum, a nosey waiter, and tears.

But that's for a posting another day. The fact that there was humor and family really tells me this was the perfect proposal- so you two.

At 3:52 PM, Blogger tintin said...

I've got tears! Gosh, I love love stories. Great pics and what wedgie, i didn't see any! Heheh.

Thanks for your recent comment on my blog btw!

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Krit said...

You may never post again huh, so it ain't so Pixie.


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