Friday, March 31, 2006


I love the secrets that I share with my husband, there are so many things that are just for the two of us...little inside jokes that just crack us up to no end. One of the best things about our marriage is the sense of humor that we share. We find humor in so many things that most people would think are ridiculous. He makes me laugh every day, he'll call me at work and act like a 20's reporter guy with the crazy voice and all. It's great. I love that we have that special bond, it's a bond that goes so far beyond friendship and marriage. I adore that about him, and I love him for it. He embraces my craziness. This picture reminds me of all of the little things that we share that are just for the two of us. It was our last night in Hawaii and we were laying on the beach. This picture is a good reminder of how much I love him, you can tell by the way I am staring at him. Good times.


At 8:40 AM, Blogger AJ Fabulous said...

Awww...I love the picture and I love the entry!!! Very sweet post!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Heather said...

That is a GREAT picutre I love it!!, what a special relationship you have, there is such love for him in your writing.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Heidi R. said...

what a very sweet picture...thanks for visiting my blog...I will start looking at your blog too :)

At 7:54 PM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

That is so sweet. I love that picture so much. It totally captures it.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Sublime said...

Hi Pixie,

Very cool pic of you and your husband. Glad to hear happy relationships really do exist. Hopefully someday you and him will be that 80 year old couple in the diner that still holds hands after 40 years of marriage!

I found your blog doing the "Next Blog" thing at the top of the page.

Btw, check my Q&A blog called "The Big Question" at If you get time, come answer a few questions (I post a new one each day). It's cool to see all the answers from the diverse group of readers that visit.

Take care,

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Krit said...

That common bond is sooo important.

Our common bond is the same (Lord knows we’re soooo different on lots of other stuff). The “twist” for us is that we’re both somewhat twisted and pretty cynical in our humor. I love it because he knows me so well that when I reveal my "dry" side he gets it without thinkin' I'm crazy (which I really am to a degree). I hate growing up because our humor seems to get left in the too tired to try category all too often.

Remind me to tell you the dead hand story- I suppose I laugh too much at the wrong times (ha ha). There’s also the other phases that get us laughing… there’s a snake in my boot, can I speak, do I have something on my face, you’re being cocky and endless other triggers that remind me of how through all the years we have grown so close that a smile can come out of the blue out of the smallest memories.


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