Thursday, March 30, 2006


I went to church last night and the pastor there gave a very stirring message. The church I went to is Crossroads Christian Church over off of 360. If you live in the Metroplex and you ever have the chance to go hear this pastor speak, take advantage of it. He is so gifted and SO humbled by it all. That is something that seems to be missing these days. He spoke last night on Revival of the church and the message was intense. I got a lot out of it, but what has stayed with me is what he said on Compromising as Christians. We (and I say WE because I am SO guilty of it) that compromise are surely the enemies of revival.

One of the definitions that the dictionary gives to compromise is, "Something that somebody accepts because what they want is unattainable." That hits the nail on the head right there! That definition is what we are guilty of, but only because what we perceive is false. What we want, as Christians, is to live a life that is in line with what God wants. Our spirits know that this is the right way, but our minds seem to convince us that this lifestyle is completely unattainable. Therefore, we end up in compromise. I was in a meeting the other day and God's name was taken in vain several times. The first time I squirmed uncomfortably and wanted to say something but I was fearful that I was "offend" the person. The second time that it happened and spoke up and asked for that word not be spoken in front of me because it offended me. While this didn't go over as well as I had wanted, I didn't that point I didn't care if the guilty party was offended. They were insulting MY GOD. I wish that I could speak up that way in all situations. Too often I blow it off because I don't want to hurt any one's feelings. By doing that, I am enabling enemies of God. I am compromising.

As Christians we are polite, we are all too often soft spoken and we usually end up taking the back seat in life just that we won't draw attention to ourselves or offend any one. After all, this country was founded on the freedom of individual rights...don't people have the right to do what they wish? YES, people have the right to do as they wish, but that doesn't mean that we have to stand for it. God has given us the ULTIMATE freedom. Freedom in Jesus Christ. That trumps it all. Speak up if our God is being attacked! If you see something that is not right, don't stand for it! Disassociate yourself from things of this world that are evil. We have to be radical, we have to live out loud. If you are in a situation or a relationship that continues to compromise what you stand for, GET OUT. Just because we are called to be the light in this world, does not mean that we have to be the mat people stomp on as well. Stand strong, be proud and take a chance on living for God. I am preaching to myself here too...I need as much work on this as any one I know. :)

One last thought that really stuck with me is this, "If you love Jesus but don't want to offend any one and if you hate sin but love your own personal sin, THAT is compromise." We can not live on both sides, we can not have it both ways. We can not love God and not live for Him.

Prayer on earth ignites action in Heaven, let us all pray that we will overcome the sin of compromise in our Walk with God.

Have a great day!


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Krit said...

What a great posting to start up our blogging!!! Yippee Skippy :)

This topic brought up so many issues I'm dealing with- loved the conversation it started!

So glad to have friends in Christ.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

Good word :)

At 8:34 AM, Blogger AJ Fabulous said...

Very thought provoking. I think it's interesting that as Christians we can have different beliefs from each other. I COMPLETELY understand your point. And that is great that you believe that. But that is not where I am with my life. I don't think it's compromise if someone around you takes the Lord's name in vain, and you don't say anything. If they are not a Christian, then why should they be held to my moral standards? If a Muslim came up to me and told me to not wear pants because that is their moral belief and it offends them that I am wearing pants, I would just think that Islam is something I would NOT want to be about. Now...I would be compromising if I started to take the Lord's name in vain to try and be accepted by the guy who uses it. I think for him to become curious about Christianity, I need to live as Jesus lived. To love everyone. It is our place to love, not to condemn. If I live in that way...I truly believe that guy will come up to me and start asking questions. If I correct him in a meeting, and tell him to not use a "word" in front of me, he's going to roll his eyes, and that will turn him off. Now...if that guy is a Christian...then I think you have the right to pull him aside and just talk to him about holding him accountable.

Again...we are all called to be different body parts. Some Christians edify other believers, some Christians publicly evangelize, some Christians want to live like Christ to try and reach the lost. Thank Goodness we are not all alike. Everyone is different and every one will be reached differently. I think you are GREAT...and I think it is great that you feel like you need to stand up for yourself. But I also feel like we all can reach people with different approaches.

That was a really long comment...but that is what was going thru my head as I read this.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Hey AJ, I do understand your comment completely and I understand about loving all people, regardless of what they believe. I just don't feel comfortable letting people insult my God when I know it's wrong to me. It's a conviction. I am not saying that I go around telling people how wrong they are because they are not Christians, quite that opposite actually...but it just hurts me to hear GD every other word.

You are right, we are called to be fishers of men and we all do that differently. That is what makes us unique and useful.

Thanks for your comment, I respect what you have to say. :)

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Krit said...

Great topics, I love the give and take of the different views. I have to say I'm with Pixie though.

For me because I want to be liked and accepted, I feel the importance of standing up for a reasonable amount respect is important. If someone doesn't respect me (my beliefs, my God), how can I ever expect them to want to learn from me? To me I could hurt their potential walk by being a sideline Christian because the perception could be that I don't stand up for what I believe in and therefore what I believe in isn’t of substance. Not that it is okay to just talk the talk, you have to walk the walk - something I work on (and fail at) daily.

I try not to go the easy way when possible in regards to being a Christian because I don't trust my motives, sometimes the "wordly" side of me finds it to be lonely but I'm reminded that I not to be comfortable in this world and if I bend too much...

Jesus was very straight-forward and while love ALWAYS guided him, having standards isn't unChristlike.

If you're convicted enough to pick your battles and you do continue to reach out in other ways that is commendable. I suppose the gist is- NEVER stop trying to live according to His will.

My two cents worth.


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