Monday, April 17, 2006

T-ball, Eggs and Family

I got to drive down to the coast this weekend to see my mom and my sister and her family. We had such a great time! I drove down on Thursday night. My mom and I really got to visit for a long period of time. It gets harder and harder to have one on one time with her! She's a popular woman. I love talking to her and listening to her talk. She is one of the those people that really listen when you talk. She never offers advice that is unwarranted. She is so insightful and such a joy to be around. I am so blessed to have such a positive influence in her. Friday I went over to my sister's house and played baseball with the kids in the front yard. That is always such a fun time because they just make up their own rules and are so carefree about it. Saturday I went to the boys' tball game. That was so hilarious...those kids have no idea about the concept of it, which is what makes it so adorable. If the ball is hit to the pitcher, he'll just chase down the batter instead of throwing it to first. TOO cute. The boys played good, every time they would bat they would turn around and wave to make sure we were watching. So funny. After the tball game we went back to my sisters house and painted Easter Eggs. It was so fun to just watch the kids. I love being able to be a part of their lives. All in all, it was a very relaxing weekend with my family. My hubby didn't get to join us because he had to work on Friday. :( When I got home Sunday, he had cleaned the whole house so I could come home and not worry about it. He is so sweet. I really missed him and am glad to be back. Yesterday we went to his sister's house and went swimming and had a big Easter lunch. It was a great weekend with our family. We are truly blessed.

I did get 2 runs in this weekend and I felt SO much better! My mom also gave me a yoga CD and I tried to do it with her watching but she kept commenting on how "bad that has to hurt" and I couldn't quit laughing. My abs got a good workout if nothing else. This week I have 3 runs scheduled, 3 nights of weights, and 2 core workouts. I am looking forward to it! My triathlon is only 5 months away now! YEAH! I can't wait.

I'll post some Easter pictures a little bit later today!

Today's verse: 1 Corinthians 1:18, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the Power of God."


At 7:01 AM, Blogger Krit said...

The Power of God is amazing. He gives us love, love that we share with other believers/our family. Family is so important, you go to great lengths to live that belief- you go girl!

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Yeah! I love my family. We are not perfect, but we try to love eachother and strive to live for God. :)


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