Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Back at it!

It is amazing how much being sick hurt my running progress. I knew that I was coming down with something last Thursday when I started my yoga routine and fell flat on my face. I had no muscle strength. I started to load up on the vitamin C and made sure I got enough rest...but I wasn't proactive enough. I was in bed from Friday until Sunday. I am finally feeling better and went out for a run last night. Geez! It was very trying. My 5 miles usually feels great, but I was really hurting after mile 1. :( It just made me appreciate my health even more. My health is one thing that I never want to take for granted, and I am trying to make lifestyle changes so that I can preserve it.

I don't have much time so I'm outta here! Have a great day.


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

I absolutely love your blog. I love the journey that you have set for yourself and the journey that will take you to places in your heart you never knew existed. Can I share this journey with you? I want to check in more often to see how things are going. Can I add you to my list of blogs I read? Your story is truly inspiring. I just love what the human mind and body are capable of. Best of luck recovering from your illness and most of all, best of luck finding the answers that you seek on your journey to health. From my heart to yours, I hope for the best for your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. You can do this, it just takes dedication. Don't ever let your dream slip away. Everyday, people say goodbye to their dreams and they slip into an average life. Something tells me that you are from from average. Something tells me that you are far from satisfied. Keep your head up, keep working toward your goal and let the answers to your life find you. It will happen, I promise. One day, you will look back and be amazed at what you've accomplsihed. You'll be the person you always dreamed and it will happen because of your hard work and dedication. Why would anyone settle for anything less than everything. Shouldn't we all want to be everything we can possibly be? If you ansered yes to that question, you are ready for this journey of a lifetime. Best of luck in all your endeavors. Most of all, best of luck finding your inner heart and passion.

At 5:50 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Of course you can add me to your blog list...I appreciate you visiting my site and encouraging me!


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