Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I'm a dreamer. I'll admit it. I love having big plans and big dreams. It makes me feel alive. The down side of being a dreamer is that it makes me a bit of a flake. I can finally admit that too. I am notorious for starting things and not finishing them because I find something bigger and better to jump in to. This makes my life a little crazy, but it's how I'm wired. I've accepted it, but I have also resolved to stop the pattern from time to time. I can't always be this way...I must grow up. SO, when I signed up for my triathlon I knew I would be SUPER excited for a couple of weeks and then I would hit that wall and want to flake out. The great news is that I haven't done it. YES, I've been tempted. I'm still tempted, but I am realizing that this triathlon training is changing me in the best ways possible. It is teaching me the value of discipline, it is teaching me that I must make decisions daily (hourly) that will impact my training. I have had to change my lifestyle, I am now eating better and taking better care of myself. I've been in training now for 10 weeks. THAT is huge for me. HUGE. I am sticking with it and loving it. Perfect example...last night we went to the Rangers game with our neighbors. Tempations EVERYWHERE. Hot dogs, nachos, beer...all of the things that I would have normally chosen. I made the choice last night to turn these things down.

I think God uses our strengths AND our weaknesses to reach us. This is so evident to me right now in my life. God is using my passion of physical activity and competition to engage me, and now I am applying the discipline that this triathlon is forcing me to have to most areas of my life. It is amazing to go through. God knows I'm a dreamer and can be flaky(and He loves me for it!)...and He's showing me the ways to find a perfect balance.


At 8:29 PM, Blogger qcmier said...

Happy to hear you are loving the triathlon training. Hope you can stick with it. It is amazing how tris can make such an impact on those involved.

I say the occasional hot dog and beer won't hurt the training. Enjoy your triathlon journey!!!


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