Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Is it Monday???

Went for a 40 minute run yesterday followed up by a 25 minute swim, I felt really great! I can tell that my body is getting stronger and my mental toughness is improving tenfold. Unfortunately after that, I had a "Gus" moment. We had our monthly ladies get together in my neighborhood last night and this time it was at my next door neighbors house. I had promised her that I would go get some ice and come over a little early to help set up. I hurry to shower and get dressed...I realize that I need to paint my toenails so I sit down on my bathroom floor and rush through it. I hurry through the process and am about to screw the lid back, but instead I thought it would be a lot more fun to just SPILL THE ENTIRE BOTTLE OF DARK PURPLE FINGER NAIL POLISH on my beautiful NEW tile floor and ALL over my legs. Some how it made it up to my arms as well. It WAS AWESOME. I just sat there for a couple of minutes wondering if that really just happened to me. Word of advice here, when you SPILL DARK PURPLE FINGER NAIL POLISH on your floor, DO NOT get a towel and try to wipe it up. It really just smears it. I get out my finger nail polish remover to find there is maybe 4 drops left. I was completely panicked. To make a terribly long (and quite painful) story shorter, let me just tell you that a combination of rubbing alcohol and peroxide does the trick on the tile. My skin was a different story. I had to jump back in the shower and scrub the top layer of my skin off. Not a pleasant feeling. I actually scrubbed my arm so hard that I bruised. After 45 minutes of insanity, I felt that the situation was resolved. I had 10 minutes to blow dry my hair, run to the store for ice and get over to my neighbors to meet 25 other ladies that already think I am just a young punk living in a grown up's world. Luckily, when I was about to leave I went to feed the dogs and realized that Gus had DARK PURPLE FINGER NAIL POLISH on his head. And then he threw up on my foot. Once again, AWESOME.

All's well that ends well, I made it to my little get together and had a great time. I just had to laugh at the situation because there is no question in my mind that I will have another day like that. I recapped my story for the ladies of the neighborhoold and they were hysterical about it. Talk about an icebreaker. :)


At 8:36 AM, Blogger Gigi said...

I'm sorry the vision of DARK PURPLE nail polish everywhere.....I kinda giggled....sorry

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Yes, I giggled too, but not until WAY later. :) At the time I was on the verge of laughing and crying.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger tintin said...

That is funny and horrible all at once! But more funny than horrible. LOL!

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Neese said...

LOL!!! Hi Pixie, that is hilarious! bless your heart! -- i need to bookmark your blog now!

At 2:03 PM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

i always feel like the young punk in a neighborhood! With you on that one! props to still making it on time!

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

What island were those Hawaii pics from? Also, are you rafting in Colorado or on the Colorado? Either way, you are one adventuresome girl. You go girl!

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

The finger nail polish incident sounds JUST LIKE something I would do. Except that I would have probably had a complete meltdown...I'd say you handled it well!

Good job on your workout! I bet you do great in your triathlon this summer.

At 6:28 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Hey Benny, We went to Oahu, on the North Shore. It was AWESOME and we can't wait to go back. We go rafting in Colorado, down the Arkansas river. We go in one month from today!!! YEAH!

Lana-Thanks for visiting...I am glad someone can relate. Zabs-YEAH that you can relate to the "young punk" thing too! :)


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