Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hawaii Pics

Today is so dreary here, so I am closing my eyes and picturing myself and my husband on the beach in Hawaii. Here are some Hawaii pictures for all to enjoy.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Gigi said...

Have you been?? Dream of the day maybe on our 30th...beautiful pictures though thanks for sharing...

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Pixie said...

We went last June, kind of a fluke trip. My husband got sent for work so I decided to tag along and only had to pay for my plane ticket out there. It is amazing, so breathtaking and tranquil all at the same time. Every where you look, you can see God's hand. We are going back next June with my mom and my step son. I can't wait!

At 7:31 PM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

man i do that with my honeymoon over and over... dram of someday having it again. ah.. for me st. john. for you hawaii... i would take either in a heartbeat :)


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