Monday, May 01, 2006


I went for my first swim last night...let me tell you that I was very humbled. I have been a swimmer my whole life. Granted, I never swam competitively, but I was a lifeguard for several summers and I love the water. I have always considered myself a great swimmer. Once again, this triathlon has laughed at me and humbled me to a new level. When we got home from our softball game last night, my husband and I took our dogs to the community pool. This has nothing to do with my swim, but it was by far the funniest thing I have seen in a while. One of our dogs, Gus, is our special little dog. He's had so many things go wrong with him in his short 3 years of life (broken leg, losing all of his hair, knocking himself out on the coffee table...). He is just the sweetest little dog though but he is sort of clueless. So we get inside the gate and I still had Gus on his leash. Poor little guy was just walking and when he headed for the water, I thought for sure he would stop and sniff it out. He walked right into it. It was FREEZING. He was still on his leash so I was able to just pull him out (he only weighs 4 lbs), but I was on the floor laughing. My husband was getting on to me because he thought Gus was getting his feelings hurt. LOL. I dry the little guy off and jump in for my swim. First of all, OH MY GAH. It was SO cold. After I caught my breath I went for my first lap. About half way through, I hear a "kurplunk" under the water and look over. Gus had walked right into the pool again. GEEZ. Poor little guy. My husband decided to hold him the rest of the swim. Back to my first 2 laps (I am estimating 1 lap is about 25 meters) went really well. I felt strong and my breathing was good. After I started out on my second lap I though I was going to pass out. It was really tough. I managed to get in 12 laps total, but I had to drag myself out. I have a lot of work to do...but I am excited because I know that I can train for it and it will only get easier. I look back on my running when 3 months ago, I couldn't even run 1/2 mile. Now I am up to 5-6 miles with no problem. It is a long road, but it is one that is worth it.

We put our leashes back on our dogs and headed home. About half way there, I look back at Gus and all I could see was ears. He had fallen in a hole. Most days I feel like Gus. I walk through life so happy go lucky...but I always stumble, and if there is a "hole" I will fall in it. Luckily I have a God that loves me, an amazing husband, and an incredible group of family and friends that always support me and pick me back up. That's what it's all about.

(Here is a picture of Gus and Roxy. Gus is the brown one with the satellite ears.)

Today's Quote: “Prayer is an end to isolation. It is living our daily life with someone; with Him who alone can deliver us from solitude.”


At 8:14 AM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

you can do it!

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Heidi R. said...

oh...poor Gus!! Your story had me laughing, Gus is like a cartoon in a book :)...That is cool about your training!! you can do it...good luck!! :)

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

your gus sounds like my bailey... only without the explosive diarrhea.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger qcmier said...

You are well on your way to being an awesome triathlete. Keep it up!!!

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

Little by little is how we all get there.
Patience and consistency is key.
Keep up the good work.


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