Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I've got MAD skills

OK, the title of this post is exaggerated a little bit, but it's still fun to say. In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE sports. I play on a co-ed softball team, a co-ed indoor soccer team, a woman's basketball team and I run/bike/swim now. I am already on the list to play flag football in the fall. So, I guess to say I love sports is actually an understatement. I ADORE sports, I love all that comes with it. I love to sweat and compete, I love the complexity of the games, I love it all. Out of all of the sports I play during the year, basketball is BY FAR my favorite. I love the game of basketball. I always have. I was never an all-state caliber player, but I held my own in high school and was recruited to play for a small university, which I did for a couple of years. Those were wonderful days. I haven't played in a while and decided that I should go to the court last night so I don't make a fool out of myself in my upcoming league. I'm 5'3" so being a good shooter is really all I've got. The first few shots I took were a little rusty and bounced off the rim every which way, but once I found my groove I was swept away in my own little world. I was knocking down 8' jumpers and 3 pointers with no problem. It was awesome! It took me back to my high school days. I was in the gym EVERY night. My dad would have me out there shooting until my arms were like lead. I will admit that it helped, shooting became second nature to me and I was known as the "3 point assassin" in my freshmen year of college.

Last night I was shooting around and a group of guys showed up. You could tell they were real annoyed by having to play half court so I offered to play a pick up game with them so we could all play full court. They reluctantly accepted my offer. There was one kid that thought that he was WAY better than the rest of us and that he was practically gracing us with his presence by even playing with us. I don't do well with kids like that. I say "kids" because not one of them was over 17. LOL. The team I was on was clearly the underdog. After all, we had a girl (GASP) on our team. My first pet peeve of playing with guys. DO NOT TREAT ME LIKE I WILL BREAK. I promise you, I won't. I'm not glass or a piece of pottery. If I thought that I might get hurt, I wouldn't offer to play. So, I had to establish the fact that I wasn't breakable by pushing a little too hard on defense. That got their attention and after a few trips up and down the floor it was ON. It was 60 minutes of sprinting and shooting, pushing and pulling, sweating and YES...even a few drops of blood. Not mine, one of the kids on my team got elbowed in the nose. It was intense and exhilirating and I was ON FIRE. I couldn't miss!! It was SUHWEET. Basketball pumps me up like no other sport out there. After the game we all agreed that we would meet again today, same time...same place. I can't wait! I got my track workout in after that (4x400, 3X300, 2x200, 1x100, 2 mile cool down). I got home and collapsed from exhaustion but ripe with anticipation of tonight's rematch. BRING IT.


At 9:24 PM, Blogger qcmier said...

I'm sure you could beat me 1-on-1 with one arm tied behind your back, blindfolded, hopping on one leg. That's tells you how good my skills are.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

LOL! I'm sure you'd run circles around me and tire me out. :)

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Neese said...

you BRING it girl!
im with you basketball is so cool, it's been YEARS since i've played! this is making me want to go to Lowes right now and get a hoop!

the line about the blood made me laugh is that bad? lol


At 10:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

i'm the same way when i play pickup with the guys. at first when we start playing (and they don't know who i am) they always put their weakest defender on me. usually after the first five minutes, they switch up because it gets ridiculous. i'm like you. don't think i'm going to break. trust me, i've gone against 300 pound behemoth's before and come out on top... you don't scare me. besides, i know how to control my body and keep myself from getting hurt. if i have to throw a few elbows in for good measure, that's not a problem. what is a problem is that you think because i was born with boobs instead of balls, that i won't wipe the court with you!!! glad you had fun!

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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