Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Ties that Bind

Curt and I were getting our Halloween costumes together last night, trying to get things done ahead of time for once. My costume requires a plaid apron, which I couldn't find ANYWHERE, so we decided to make one. First of all, I don't sew. I never learned, I just don't have the patience. Secondly, I don't have the desire to sew. I can't sit still for that long. The only thing I have every sewn is the toy bunny that my dog is OBSESSED with. I made a cut out pattern from newspaper, pinned it to the fabric and cut out the apron. I was planning on just using this cloth glue to line the edges in lace. I tried it and it wouldn't stick. I finally decided to hand sew it on. Well, my patience was gone is about 10 minutes. Curt comes home to find me sitting at the table completely stressed out about this apron. He says, "Oh, well I'll just get the sewing machine from the garage." WHAT? We own a sewing machine? Didn't know that. He gets it out, changes the needle, changes the thread to white and proceeds to SEW MY APRON like he's done it all of his life. I just didn't have any words. #1: WHERE did he learn to do this? He said he took a class in 7th grade that taught him how to sew. #2: I was just in awe that he came home after working 12 hours and patiently finished a project for me. After I got over the urge to make fun of him (I can't help it, how many guys SEW???), I made sure to take the time to tell him how appreciative I was. Curt and I have the same love language. We both show our love through our actions. I really am lucky to have a husband that does not allow borders in our relationship. I must say, though, that I had the sudden urge to go mow the lawn, just to balance out the universe. :)

I would post a picture, but he threatened to sew the camera to my backside if I took a picture of him. LOL!

Thought of the day: Write your troubles in sand, and your blessings in marble.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

very VERY cool.

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

What a cool hubby! Some guys learn to sew a little (and I stress LITTLE) either in school or in the military, but using a sewing machine to put together something complex like an apron is quite something else all together. Doing it after working 12 hours is fantastic love language. Sounds like he is a keeper all right! :)

God Bless, and thanks for your kind words on my blog!

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Just catching up on your past posts - He's quite a stud too. DEFINITELY a keeper!

Congrats on completing the Tri! I have seen plenty of people get "aero" even on mountain bikes just by holding onto the bars closer to the stem and bending forward (some even add mountain bike clip on bars closer to the stem instead of at the ends of the bar). Thinner tyres also help lots, but if you are hooked on the sport (like so many of us are after a single race), might as well go the whole hog and get a tri bike. :D

At 10:16 PM, Blogger qcmier said...

Yeah like Kewl, I learned to sew a litte. I'm not afraid to admit I've used a sewing machine a few times.

Thanks for the thought of the day too.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger JeffM said...

That's a great story! As a single dad I've had to cook and clean and stuff, but I never learned to sew- that would be handy.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just happened on your blog and had to comment. What an awesome thing your husband did for you! And yes, I would have had to make fun too. I mean, how many people today know how to sew? :) Sounds like you two have a good thing going.

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Hey Edee, we are going to be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. I refuse to pay %50 for a plastic pre-made costume so I am just piecing a very retro one together. :) I'll post some pictures after our party next weekend.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

Oops, make that $50 :)

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Kami said...

Yeah, I have a sweing machine somewhere, most likely rusting, or whatever happens to neglected sewing machines.

Thanks for your comment about my poor baby dog. The vet did give her that Ivomex. She gets it in ice cream, so she doesn't complain. I am sooooo hoping for a clean bill of health when we go back in a month!

You lurker, you! ;)

Oh, I may be shooting a wedding in Mansfield next year!!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Kami said...

Yeah, I have a sewing machine rusting in a closet, or whatever happens to neglected sewing machines.

Thanks for your comment about my poor baby. The vet did give us the Ivomex. She gets it in ice cream, so she doesn't complain. I am so hoping for a clean bill of health when we go back in a month.

You lurker, you! ;)

Oh, I may be shooting a wedding in Mansfield next year!


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