Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Some questions don't have answers

This picture has really nothing to do with my post, but it makes me happy. My brother bought us this light for Christmas and we finally found the perfect place to hang it. It completely changes the energy in our study, it's like we have our own little disco club. I love it.

I wanted to write about the sadness that I am feeling right now. Last week I found out that one of my colleagues had passed away. He was 38, served in our army, 3 beautiful kids and a lovely wife, a deacon at his church. I did not have any details of his passing and was just overwhelmed with sadness. This part of my personality always takes me by surprise, for I am able to "tough it out" in every situation of my life...my own trials are easy for me to overcome...but when I hear of someone else hurting, my heart feels like it will explode. Sorry, I am off track. This man had so much going for him. I will not exaggerate and say that I knew him well, I had some interaction with him on a work level, and had spent minutes here and there chatting with him about family, etc. He was some one that I admired, his spirit just seemed to shine. I later found out the details of his passing. He chose to take his own life. I was completely floored by this. I am angry that he would choose to do this. As a Christian, I can't imagine how one's life can be so bad that you would want to willingly take the life that God has given you. He left his children here and they will have to deal with this the rest of their lives. So many unanswered questions, I am sure.

The point of wanting to write this down where others will read is to say this: Be kind to each other. You never know what some one is going through. It's sad to me that we all rush around this life like ants on a mission. We all seem to encapsilate narcissism on a certain level. We keep our heads down, we work and work and work to acquire more things, we keep telling ourselves "I'll be happy when...(fill in the blank), we refuse to see the beauty in the moments. Take a step back, learn to appreciate what you have and don't want for what you don't have. Our lives here are temporary, just a fleeting moment in the big scheme of things. Embrace your life and be thankful for it.

Thought for the day:
"Affliction comes to the believer not to make him sad, but sober; not to make him sorry, but wise. Even as the plow enriches the field so that the seed is multiplied a thousandfold, so affliction should magnify our joy and increase our spiritual harvest.” Henry Ward Beecher


At 5:29 PM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

Dear Pixie, I am sorry to hear about your colleague's passing away. I pray the Lord would supply his family with mercy and grace. And may you find His love and peace in your heart.
As long as we have breath we can and should praise His name!

At 5:41 AM, Blogger mommy zabs said...

i'm so sorry for this loss. especially for his family. he must have really had some distorted thinking to be able to abandon them like tha. suicide is such a complicated matter and people are often so out of their right mind to be at that point. you are right we live in a very narccisitic society... all that "self" talk we were brought up with. you are right, we need to take time to be kind and to ask people how they are AND MEAN IT. I will pray for his family.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Gigi said...

Thanks for using this moment to remind us what is important...THanks

At 6:14 AM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...


I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Thank you for your important message and life lesson.

Stay tuned...

At 10:52 PM, Blogger qcmier said...

That is always a question that will not be answered. Sorry for you loss. I will keep everyone in my prayers.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger *** said...

I really enjoyed reading this post and what a great light from your brother (your twin brother, right?)!

That's very sad and you made a good point to appreciate what and who we have right now and every moment instead of always waiting for something better.


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