Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Colorado-Pt. 2

This isn't near as exciting as us falling out of raft, but we did have a great time on Friday. We left Dallas Thursday night around 9:00 and arrived in Canon City, CO at approx. 9:00 CST. We went to our campsite and set up our tents and then headed to the Royal Gorge Park for a day of fun. We rode the incline railway down the mountain and that is when we got our first look at the river where we would be rafting. CRAZY. After that we headed to the bar and got a beer. 2 of those and I was gone! The alititude + alcohol is a dangerous combination! :) We all decided that we wanted to do the skycoaster so we headed over on the aerial tram. It was such a RUSH! You are strapped in a you fly out over the gorge, which has a 1000 ft. drop. I loved every second of it! After we all recovered from the skycoaster, we decided to go take tomahawk throwing lessons from a very cool guy. We had so much fun and stayed there for nearly an hour throwing tomahawks and getting to know this guy. After a fun day at the park we headed back to the campsite and sat around, cooked bratwursts and had some great conversation. The other two couples that went with us were a blast. The two guys were Curt's best friends and the girls were their girlfriends. It was the first time I'd met the girls, but of course we had fun. It was great to see my husband with his two closest friends...we made some great memories. Here are some pics of our day.